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sharing our client’s commitment to the mission

Amentum Employer Branding: Positioning, Messaging, Creative Concepts & Career Site

the challenge:

create awareness, generate buzz & hire a workforce

Bloomberg top-20 government services provider, Amentum, a new spin-off of industry giant AECOM, had an interesting request: using their newly launched logo, create compelling employer brand messaging that highlights the company’s mission and values—and leverage that new positioning to create the content and design for a new careers website to function as the primary hiring channel in the company’s recruiting mix. We worked closely with the incredible Tracey Parsons of Parsons Consulting to liaise with the client and provide strategic input throughout the course of our engagement.


employee and leadership interviews drive a new messaging platform

Good messaging relies on solid positioning. To get at the motivators for the right-fit candidate, we began our engagement by conducting a series of three 30-minute leadership interviews and six 30-minute employee interviews. Next, we distilled our findings and synthesized them into a single, resonant Employer Value Proposition with supporting messaging pillars—all of which highlighted Amentum’s mission and core values in a manner designed to connect with the right kind of prospective candidate.

new creative concepts tease an exciting future

From our extensive interviews flowed a powerful creative brief, which in turn inspired our three powerful employer brand concepts. The client loved all three and plans to deploy them all strategically going forward. Featuring exciting imagery of Amentum employees, bold copy, and a strong tie to the company’s values, the winning concept centers on Amentum’s dedication to the mission, as well as its unwavering support for its people.

Branding Campaign Concept

a career site that speaks to the heart of the right-fit candidate

To help the new company connect with potential employees that align with their values and share their commitment, we created a powerful website centered around the employee experience, and how Amentum provides an outstanding environment for career growth. Using a combination of imagery of actual employees and beautiful stock photography, as well as friendly, direct copy, we were able to create an experience that feels authentic and accessible, building candidates’ trust and encouraging exploration and connection.

from messaging to website launch: a partnership with rewarding results

In addition to a fantastic collaboration with the Amentum Vice President of Talent Acquisition to help bring a fresh creative vision to life for Amentum, we truly enjoyed partnering with Parsons Consulting. “Our main measure for success is how happy our customer is, and in this case, our customer is extremely happy,” Tracey Parsons, the founder, said. “The CEO loved our creative direction, which made our client look great.” (You can read Tracey’s full Clutch review here.) We can’t wait to work with Tracey and her clients again soon.

“Smallnormous was exceptional. The team was always available and extremely responsive. They were consultative, patient, and knowledgeable. Since we’ve launched the site, our conversion rate is blowing out industry standards. I attribute that to the way in which our content and experience was created.”

Alex Stathes, Vice President of Talent Acquisition — Amentum, Maryland

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